Addington School

Phone line available for professionals for advice and signposting to other services (currently every Monday 2 – 5 – 01189669073, ext 274)

Information and advice available via the website. The bank of information will build up gradually and be regularly reviewed 

Online CPD accredited training Courses via Online Training (OLT)

Links to SEN webinars  

Small steps of progress documents to inform planning 

Plans and resources for Attention Autism (bucket) style sessions 

A bank of sensory stories 

Access to a comprehensive book and resources lending library

Training videos from Addington staff. 

Access to a bank of training linked to the Addington professional development calendar. 

Information booklets giving advice on common SEND issues and interventions 

A rolling programme of SENCo workshops to address common concerns, in addition to and not in instead of SENCo Forums.  

AET training - Details TBC 

After school Drop-in sessions  to look at Addington resources with the opportunity to make resources. Bookable in advance