Addington School

Kite class home learning



During this period of school closure we will endeavour to put up some ideas and resources for home learning. This is a new thing for all of us so please bear with us as we learn together  how to adjust to this new way of working. 



(30 day free trial for parents)  click above link enter code: UKTWINKLHELPS

This is an amazing resource, used by thousands of teachers in schools, including our own school. It covers all levels from Foundation to Secondary. Please look at this - it is very easy to navigate and find activities suitable for your child. 


Education City

Your child can access this by clicking the above link and using the generic login:

Username: 872ADDINGTON

Password: 543463

Then go to Select from List  - Select Kite Class and then your child can look for their name and click on it to login. Their scores will be saved. 



Your child can access this by clicking the above link and using the generic login:




Purple Mash

Click 'Pupil Zone' at the top of this page, then Login (right of screen)

Your child's login details were sent home in their learning pack, if you need a reminder please email me kiteclass@addington.wokingham.sch.uk 


Outdoor learning

Websites from Mel, Head of Outdoor Learning


If you have any questions please do get in contact via the class email address.