Addington School

Explore - Explorers - Weather Creativity

Weather themed Sensory Play

 Sun themed sensory play

Explore yellow rice, pasta and any other yellow toys or objects you can find around your house. 

 Sun themed sensory play

Follow this link for how to dye rice yellow: Rainbow rice


 Rain exploration

 Cut some holes in the bottom of paper or plastic cups and then fill with water to watch rain trickle out of the bottom!

Rain exploration


Coloured ice

Fill an ice cube tray with water and drops of food coloured and place a wooden stick in the tray before freezing it to create coloured ice paints!

Coloured ice paints


Rainbow and clouds sensory play

What you will need:

  1. Large tray
  2. Shaving cream
  3. Spaghetti
  4. Food colouring 

What to do:

Cook the spaghetti in boiling water, and then divide into separate bowls to add the food colouring. Keep mixing until you have your desired colour. (You could put the dyed spaghetti in the fridge and then rinse the excess colouring off in the morning).

Put the coloured spaghetti into the tray, making it into a rainbow shape. Then add the shaving foam as clouds.

 Follow the link for more information: Rainbow clouds


Sun and Rain sensory bottles

What you will need:

  1. Empty plastic bottle
  2. Food colouring
  3. Water
  4. Glitter
  5. Tri-beads
  6. Super glue (adult use only)

 What to do:

Fill your empty bottle with water, but leave enough room to add the other bits. Next add 5-6 drops of food colouring or until you have your desired colour. Then add glitter, the more the better, and also add the tri beads. Then add more water to the tops of the bottle.
To secure the bottle an adult should super glue the lid to the bottle.  

Follow the link for more information: Sun and Rain sensory bottles


Weather themed Art

Paper plate Umbrella

What you will need:

  1. Half a paper plate
  2. Crayons/ colouring pencils/ pens
  3. Stickers
  4. Pipe cleaner
  5. Glue stick

What you need to do:

Use the crayons/ pencils to colour the paper plate and stick some stickers on the plate. Then glue the pipe cleaner onto back to make it look like the umbrella handle.


Snowball painting

What you will need:

  1. Glitter pom pom balls
  2. Pegs
  3. Coloured paper
  4. Blue and white paint

What you need to do:

Put the pom pom on the peg and dip it into the paint and print onto the paper to make a snowball. See if you can bigger snowballs and smaller ones.

Follow the link for more information: Snowball painting

Weather themed songs

Learn the Makaton signs for different weather with this helpful video! Weather Makaton signs

Follow the links for some Weather songs to enjoy!

How's the weather today? How's the weather?

Our favourite weather songs Weather songs

Mr Golden Sun Mr Golden Sun