Addington School

Family Fun - Discoverers - Intensive Interaction

Intensive Interaction is an approach used to teach the pre-verbal skills of communication to those with little or no language. Through Intensive Interaction, children develop their ability to interact and extend social and play skills such as eye contact, turning taking, facial expression and vocalisation. 

During these sessions, children begin to learn that their actions/movements/vocalisations have an impact on others and impact on how others interact back with us. It is really important during these sessions that you allow your child the time to engage at their own pace, and you follow their lead.

A key feature of Intensive Interaction sessions is that there are often burst-pause sequences to allow children to opportunity to respond. As the sessions progress, and you begin to learn what your child enjoys to do and you may begin to build on responses, adapting and extending play.

Please see below for some more detailed information.