Addington School

Daffodil Class News


May 22


This term Daffodil class worked hard and had a lot of fun.

They have enjoyed the topic of "Under Construction" and they have explored the story of "The Three Little Pigs" and "A Squash and the Squeeze". They have been given the stories character roles to play, they made a story map, they sequenced the story and they used props to help bring the stories to life.


During Maths sessions, we explored shapes using Lego, wood blocks, toy building bricks and even spaghetti with marshmallows to build the houses.


Also, we have practised Addington Phonics daily and pencil control activities.


A real highlight this term was the visit to Taplow - Thames Valley Adventure Playground where we had lots of fun!



April 22


This term in Daffodil class they have enjoyed the topic of Growing. They have explored the story of ‘Jack & the Bean Stalk’ and ‘The Enormous Tulip’ making a story map to help them to react the story using props. We have been busy planting seeds and learning about parts of a plant and how to look after our own plants. The highlight of the term was having our own caterpillars and seeing them develop into butterflies and learning first-hand about the lifecycle of the butterfly. We have worked hard on our maths skills this term holding numbers in our mathematical brain and counting on using Numicon number shapes to complete addition sums. We have also explored shapes.



February 22


This term Daffodil Class have been exploring the theme “Megabeasts”. We enjoyed the poems from “Mad about Megabeasts”, engaging in call and response and looking up fun facts about the Woolly Mammoth. “The Colour Monster” by Anna Llenas taught about different emotions. We have been thinking of ways to help ourselves calm down when we feel sad or angry.


This term we got to visit Thames Valley Adventure Park. For some of the class it was our first offsite trip. We had lots of fun!


A real highlight this term was also learning about Chinese New Year. We enjoyed the story and made a giant Chinese dragon! We did a dragon dance and made our own drumming music.


We have been learning some good independent skills including looking after our own belongings and getting organised at the start and end of the day. It has been wonderful watching the children’s confidence grow in Sean’s music lessons, many of the children relishing the opportunity to have a go with the microphone and sing the “when I wake up” song.



December 21


This term Daffodil Class have learnt about autumn, Remembrance Day and more recently Christmas. We have completed lots of fine motor and sensory activities linked to these themes.

We have focussed on shapes in maths, learning about the different shapes and their properties and we have used these to make our own shape pictures.  We also practised our weighing skills when making gingerbread biscuits as part of the whole school ‘Annual Addington Gingerbread Competition!’ The winning entry in Early Years was from a member of our class!

We have really enjoyed our fortnightly swimming sessions in the hydro pool – it is what we really look forward to! Claire has continued to teach us weekly Yoga sessions which helps us to be calm and is great for our wellbeing.  We have worked hard this term with Danny in our weekly PE lessons, completing circuits and improving our trampolining skills.

 We hope you all have a Merry Christmas!


October 21 


This term our theme has been “Marvellous Me and My World”. We have spent time building relationships with new staff and peers, including welcoming several new friends to Addington for the first time.  We have listened to stories such as “What I Like About Me” by Allia Zobel Nolan; “I’m Me” by Sara Sheridan; “My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh” by Nick Sharratt; “The Family Book” by Todd Parr and “Monkey Puzzle” by Julia Donaldson.


We spent lots of time noticing our different features, describing them and noticing similarities and differences. We enjoyed telling our friends about our families and recalling fun events from our weekends. We looked at different types of homes that people live in and tried to create our own. We’ve been creating our own display map in class of all our favourite places in the local community.


We’ve been working really hard and now know our routines. We waited patiently while we saw the new playground tranform from our classroom window, and we are over the moon we get to go out and play in it every day!



September 21


Welcome to Daffodil Class