Addington School

AOIS - Tier 2 Support - Targeted

Referral and MoU required

Together with the host school SENCo, AOIS will contact the child’s parents to include them in the process and hear their point of view.  

Visit the host school for up to 2 face to face meetings and arrange 2 remote meetings/ phone calls over the course of 12 weeks. Any further meetings or visits are at the discretion of the Outreach Lead.

The Outreach worker will work with the host school to create a minimum of 3 targets for host school staff to work on with the child.   

Observations, recommendations and targets will be given in writing to the host school.  The Outreach teacher will review progress towards the targets after 4 -6 weekly. 

General SEND Curriculum and Assessment advice will be provided by the Outreach Teacher

Provide specific resources such as social stories, symbols and workstation activity ideas.

Provide resources to allow schools to implement strategies straight after training 

Offer the SENCO a visit to Addington to see specific interventions in place. Visits arranged according to capacity.

Offer a visit to Addington for Host school support staff to spend time in a class. Visits arranged according to Addington school capacity.