Addington School

Chestnut Home Learning Page

29th April 2020 


Dear Parents,

During the school closure you can visit this page and Earwig to find class updates including home learning information.


Class email address: chestnutclass@addington.wokingham.sch.uk 

Please email for any educational help.

Remember your DoodleMaths and Phonics Play! 

Weekly Home Learning Information

 Chestnut Home Learning Explanation Sheet Week beginning 20.4.20 (1).docxDownload
 Chestnut Home Learning2 Explanation Sheet Week beginning 27.4.20.docxDownload
 Chestnut Home Learning3 Explanation sheet WB 04.05.20.docxDownload
 Chestnut Home Learning4 Explanation sheet WB 11.05.20-HP-147.docxDownload
 Chestnut Home Learning5 Explanation sheet WB 18.5.20.docxDownload
 Chestnut Home Learning6 Explanation sheet WB 1.6.20.docxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Home learning ideas

 11.5.20 Using your senses writing worksheet PDF.pdfDownload
 animal number cards to 20.docDownload
 animal picture cards updated.docDownload
 Beach habitat sorting activity.docxDownload
 Book review.pdfDownload
 Bug Count Outdoor Activity Sheet.pdfDownload
 Frozen Banana Recipe.pdfDownload
 Home diary.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 26

Useful links:

Home learning page - This link takes you to the main Home Learning page where you can find lots of other suggestions and resources for home learning.

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0go1pTda8  – a link to Joe Wicks doing FREE daily P.E. lessons on YouTube,

or join in with our very own Danny on  https://youtu.be/23dxpXxTY_c 

https://www.storylineonline.net/  - a link to a website which has stories read aloud for free.

https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga  - a YouTube yoga/mindfulness channel which combines yoga and popular children's stories/themes such as Minecraft and Frozen.

https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/parents  - this website has lots of useful worksheets and lessons!

https://youtu.be/slBrrJgxQ-A   Watch the Creative Arts Addington Staff Video 

https://www.ictgames.com/   Fun Maths and English Games 

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/    Play phonics games at a level suitable for your child

https://students.doodlemaths.com/   Check your home learning information for login details  

Suggested Timetable

 editable-timetable (1).docDownload
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The Lego Challenge

Send us pictures of your Lego creations! 

Create your own Matisse Collage of an animal