Addington School

Explorers - Explore - Is It Waterproof?

What does waterproof mean?

If a material is waterproof it keeps water out.


Why do we need waterproof materials?

To keep us dry! Our raincoats are waterproof to stop the rain from making our clothes wet. Boots are waterproof so that we can walk through puddles without our socks getting wet. 


What materials are waterproof?

Let’s investigate and find out!

Activity 1: Water Play


Water play is a great way to explore the properties of materials. By adding a few household items to a bowl of water (or bath!) you can provide opportunities for your child to explore concepts such as waterproof, float and sink, dissolving, and full and empty.

As well as typical plastic toys, consider giving other items that may absorb or change in water, such as sponges, paper, washcloths, cardboard tubes or a bar of soap.

For more water play ideas, click this link.

Activity 2: Experiment

Watch this video of an experiment. If you would like to follow along, here is a list of what you will need.

Cotton cloth
4 rubber bands
A pen (and maybe something to draw around that is bigger than your containers)
4 transparent (see-through) containers, e.g. plastic cups
A measuring jug


Use the sheets below to record the results of your own experiments.

 1 waterproof experiment sorting (easier).pdfDownload
 2 waterproof experiment table (harder).pdfDownload
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Activity 3: Design an Umbrella

Use the sheet below to design your own umbrella. Think about which materials you could use to make it waterproof.

Activity 4: Waterproof Shelter Challenge!

You will need some outdoor space and adult supervision for this activity. See the document below.